Seabury Floral 1819 (#46)

Seabury Floral 1819 (#46)

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This is a photo of the original bed rug that inspired the Seabury Floral. It was made with a running stitch, on wool, by Dorothy Seabury, in Stowe, Vermont, in 1819.
This bed rug is awesome! Large, simple flowers, ruffled flowers and leaves make up the design. The border is of sawtoothed or interlocking triangles. The original bed rug measured 93 x 101 inches. The simple color plan of rusty red flowers, in three values, all of the leaves being medium brownish-green, two of the small posies are blue, carrying the blue from the border. Everything is outlined in a cream color that makes it pop, on the dark brown-black background. This pattern could be hooked in large cuts. The design, as shown in the original, is also available upon request.
Photo: America Hurrah Archives